SmartPublisher Rules Engine & Performance Modules
The Rules Engine and Performance Modules allow you to set and configure powerful rules based on your inventory data and real-time market conditions to meet your dealership preferences.
Enjoy a much richer experience with extra features such as publishing status, publishing history, bulk re-listing vehicles, and lead pausing.

Save on advertising spend with Lead Pausing
Lead Pausing gives you the flexibility to automate the withdrawal of high demand stock from a variety of advertising websites once the lead count reaches your pre-set threshold whilst allowing your sales team to maximise the conversion ratio on leads currently attracted by a vehicle.
You don’t need to apply Lead Pausing across all the classified websites you advertise. Instead, you have the freedom to select only the ones that you want to remove your vehicles from once they reach the number of leads you set.
Leads coming from your Radius website do not count towards the total number of leads in Lead Pausing.

Enhance your vehicle listings with Auto360° Images & Videos using our app
Cox Automotive’s Auto360° easily integrates with your dealership’s inventory to capture images and videos that can be easily linked to the respective stock item.
Ready to get started?
We’re here to help! Learn more about SmartPublisher or other Cox Automotive products and solutions by completing the form and our team will be in touch.
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